Sorry for the lack of postings this week - everytime I think I'll have a moment to sit down at the computer, something else happens.
I do want to use this time to pass on some sage advice - don't eat pizza before bed. I realized this long ago but had sorta forgotten what spicy food does to my dreams. I end up having the worst nightmares and Tuesday night was no different. That night I had gone out with the Wichita Paddlers for a Tuesday Night Pizza Meeting at Godfather's.
After a very restless night (I won't go into the horrifying nightmares and freaking out that there HAD to be somebody breaking into the house) and being woken up at 4:30 am by the brat-cat (Typhoon) dropping a wooden toy down the wooden stairs (how did she manage that????), there came a hilarious dream:
Pat and I had just received two little girls in foster care - one was two years old and the other was a baby. We were playing with them in the living room and trying to get acquainted. I asked the toddler their names....her name was "Aloe Vera" and the baby's name was "Crochet."
No pizza before bed. Period.
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2 years ago
Pizza is spicy???
You fucking idiot.
I didn't think pizza could be spicy either, even if you take toppings like sausage and pepperoni into account...but that's no reason to call someone an idiot!
Anyway, last night I made spicy Indian food for dinner, and it was so good that I nibbled on some before bed. It gave me the worst nightmares too! Some of them were just weird and creepy in a David Lynch sort of way, and others involved someone breaking into the house (a valid concern where I live).
Molly at Orangette was just talking about having nightmares from drinking chai tea, so I'm trying to see if there's a scientific reason behind the spice-nightmare correlation.
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