Monday, August 20, 2007

Busy Busy

I haven't decided why my life is so busy. Do I take on things I shouldn't? Do I get assigned things that I can't get out of? Do I have too many hobbies? Do I have poor time management? Who knows. All I know is that:

  • four grants due
  • need to complete trail grant project - meet with Eagle Scout this week
  • spinning class in Lawrence
  • grad school starts back up next week - need to buy books
  • Christmas knitting
  • finish posters and displays for WATER Center exhibit hall
  • RFP for 2007-2008 WRAPS position
  • Develop position description for 2008-2009 WRAPS grant is too depressing to type it all out. It all due on or before 8/31.

Back to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there girl... you forgot to add - attend KIP events too, thought you should know.