Saturday, May 10, 2008

My first trip to the Zoo was...

...a little scary at first - where did that dead whale come from?? - , and

...beary interesting, and

...a great way to work up an apatite, and

... exhausting, and

... better with a friend, and

... extremely educational, and

... a really interesting dinner theater concept, and

.... a five-star comedy gorilla comedy routine

... for the birds, and

... really, I said "for the birds already," and

a chance to get a souvenir!


Lara said...

He is SOOOOOOO cute!

I love babies.

Looks like you had fun. :)

Princessliak said...

He is getting so big! I love his little cowboy hat!

Molly said...

wonderful! he's really making expressive faces now. thanks for posting all this, it's awesome!! :)

Crazy Bat Lady said...

I love his new tiger friend to go with his tiger shirt. He is too cute!

Anonymous said...

Really cute, but what is Patrick doing INSIDE the window????