Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I can't help but think of the line from "Flight of the Conchords'" song, Foux du Fafa when I wrote "splish-splash." It is a good description though....

These snapshots were taken on the 4th of July and were too good not to post. The little guy is taking a few steps now and transitioning into total toddler-dom. Giggles, tantrums, molars, trucks, 100% boy.

I'm surprised, with his mouth open like that, that he doesn't down a few gallons of water each time he goes swimming.

Funny kid.


Princessliak said...

He is turning into an adorable little man!

Molly said...

I don't know if it's the bangs or what, but he keeps making me think of Dennis the Menace. Bad omen. ;)

You're lucky you got a kid who LOVES water so much, seeings as that's your thing. I bet he's gonna love the water center!

Can't wait to see him walking!

Lara said...

He is SO cute! He looks like he's having a lot of fun.