I have not improved as a student - at least not in my behavior. I still look for other things to do besides doing my homework. Anything. Stuff I wouldn't do otherwise. Here are some examples of what I have done over the last few weeks before buckling down to do my readings for class: switching out which plates are displayed on the hutch (granted, the ones that were up were Christmas plates, but still), removing the cat hair from all the couches using lots of tape rolls, and this week, reorganizing my yarn stash.

It had to be done.

The acrylics were with the sock yarn. Mohair was mingling with cashmere. Who knows what might have resulted! The hubby was pretty disgusted with the size of my stash but anymore he knows better know than to comment - it doesn't help anything. The baby hung out in his johnny-jump-up and was okay with the process until I took away the storage bag he was chewing on. He was pretty pissed after that (see picture).
Your stash doesn't look unreasonable to me. I bet it wouldn't look unreasonable to my husband either. Of course, my husband owns about 10 times as much stuff as I do, so he wouldn't dare comment on the size of anyone's stash of anything.
I love organizing stash. Fun!
I think baby was crying because he was too close to the acrylic...
Holy yarns! I was on the verge of making a comment when I realized that my stash of batiks would probably cover every room of my apartment. Sorting them and rediscovering all of the beautiful prints and colors is good therapy - and makes me feel like I am rich! (or an insane pack rat)
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