Last weekened we had a "Sheetrocking Party." I was so impressed at how many of our friends (sporting their toolbelts) showed up to hang sheetrock in the new office. The room now has walls again and the long process of mudding (Phase 4) can begin.
As of today, we have the first coat of mud on most of the seams. I wish my mom, the "Queen Mudder," was here! I have to continually go over my seams and sand them and they still look like something a 1st grader would do. I thought I had gotten the closet to an okay state, but after putting paint on it.....oh, lord. Lets just say that its a good thing its a closet. Mom is amazing though...a veritible Michaelangelo of Mud.
Anywho, we are continuing to mud along and taking breaks to strip the original woodwork, hang lighting in the closet, stain new trim boards, and paint completed walls.
I'll get some pics up in the next post!